Think about a person we are not very fond of and in a moment we will do their SWOT analysis.

What about our own SWOT analysis? The only thing easiest to tame is our own mind. Yet we run away from it and rather beg from people to be tamed by us.

Look for what you have internally. We all have. We all are blessed with superlative powers however before that we need to stop giving away our powers to them.

Lifestyle change can happen when your doctor tells you to do so. Right? Lifestyle changes can also happen when your heart shouts you to do so.

Before going out to change the world, it would be a wise decision to take charge of your own theory, your beliefs and most importantly, your actions. Use what happened yesterday to charge yourself up. Remember Albert Camus, In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.