Before you…

Before you decide to keep someone happy, make sure your happiness is aligned…

Before you decide to get angry at someone, make sure you have let go of your anger on yourself…

Before you choose to judge someone, make sure you are understanding that you aren’t doing a right thing either, by putting yourself on a higher pedestal…

Before you decide to eat one more mithai, make sure you are living a healthy lifestyle already…

Before you decide to stay up late, make sure this is a rarity…

Chaliye chaliye!!

Okay! A week long break from blogging. First time in the history of this blog!

But never mind, I’ll make up for this.

So the reason for the miss-out was that I was admitted in hospital 8 days back for appendix surgery. Got discharged yesterday. And now I feel a bit active in the mornings so getting back to work drop by drop.

Rest all okay. It was a part of life. Came and went. Chill 🙂

Looking forward to talking to you daily now.

The quickest way to get things done

Anyone can “get it done” by working late nights, being on phone 24*7 and “hustling” too hard.

The real hard work is sleeping on time, knowing when to disconnect from the devices (yes the devices that make you money), and not push too hard and let your boredom make things happen.

The smart ones choose Option 2.
The ones who want to look “smart” keep writing on Internet about it – because, busy!

What’s the point of living life if you don’t even know where your day passes or your body has become what even a senior citizen’s body isn’t or in this endless consumption, you didn’t even remember a line of what you consumed.

Slow down is the new fasttrack.

Are you moving in the right direction?

With WFH in place for almost all of us, how do we know if we are going in the right direction?

Yes there are our coworkers who will constantly give us feedback, support us when we need, and also appreciate us when we perform well.

However, to know if we are on the right track in our lives is a different ballgame together.

Here’s how we can know it: By looking at the best in the world at it. (Online of course!)

When we set our standards at best, we get to know what we need course-correct on, and how we can execute it.

For example, yesterday my cousin and I decided to have a micro workout challenge. One game of arm wrestling, 10 push-ups and 10 jump squats – best of two. Since I have been working out for more than 8 years, I won. That’s not the point, however. Point is, when my cousin was doing push ups and jump squats – he was performing an incorrect technique in both of them. So let’s say he was able to perform only three repetitions, his next step would be to be able to perform four of them – without being aware that the first repetition itself needed course correction.

This wasn’t a remark on his skills at all, because he is phenomenal at a lot of things that I am not. However, I could point this out because I have small bit of understanding around it.

Imagine what would happen if we set our standards in whatever we did – against the best people in the world!

How would that change the trajectory of our learning?

How would that make our learning curve better?

How would we be a better person if we had such high regards for our standards, instead of simply using our previous skills as a barometer – which weren’t remarkable anyway?

Make it quick

Just four minutes before the work hours were about to get over, I got a call.

It was a concall, and we discussed on the topic we were supposed to.

Then the third party, who was from outside the team, just said “Bye bye” and hung down the phone.

Nothing like, “Okay, let’s go!” or “Cool, let’s experiment and see” et al, just coming to the point and finishing it off.


Just wow!

Though we just cannot do this in all the calls, we may definitely do this in 50-70% of the calls.

Imagine what would happen to all the decisions of the day like that!

The cooking compound interest

When I had initially learnt to cook, I’d multiply the amount of water and spices by the number of people who were eating the food.

Since I knew the perfect ingredients for my dal rice, i.e., what I cook for myself in Noida – while cooking the same for my parents at home I’d just put 3X water and salt.

Thinking it would work.

Except that it didn’t.

It requires lesser water than 3X of a single person’s water. It is just building up.

In life if we want to do something that seems humongous, we just need to begin the difficult process. As we keep taking small steps, we realise in the latter half of the journey that later you don’t have to make those 3X or 4X of efforts at the start.

The compound interest of your efforts will be more than enough to make you reach the destination.

You just need to start. Will you?


If our thoughts create our destiny,

If our time is limited,

If we have the power,

Then doesn’t it make sense to make a budget for our inner resources just like for our cash and expenses?

About finding your answers

If any question had a straight answer, life would not be the way it is today.

And the way it is today, is how it is supposed to be.

The meaning of life is to fall in love with the process. The meaning of life is to take action, only then you will enjoy the pauses.

If you feel lost, if you don’t know where do you want to go, if you don’t know what’s next, here’s the reality: you can find it.

You have found out a lot of answers in the past.

If you are willing to take action, you will figure out the answer.

If you are not taking action because you are lost, then you have already lost.

No action = Assured Failure

Action = Experience or Success. Both are valuable.

Creating new habits

So you all may have started new habits during quarantine and also gave up on many of them.

Here’s the way to keep up with a habit:

Show up till Day 3. Not for one day, not for two.

When you show up on Day 3, you will gather the momentum to continue it further.

Always works. If you do the work.