You can wake up in the morning, check your phone, get anxious, fearful, frustrated. That is one way of living. To live like everyone else is living requires zero effort.

There is another way to live. To let things fly out of auto mode, and to regain control for each thing you do.

You could get out of bed and be grateful for one more day of living, or you could complain about the fact that you didn’t get time for pedicure yesterday.

While brushing your teeth, there is a choice to think about what bad happened yesterday, or think about how will you think and do things today.

On the road, either criticise how badly someone else is driving or move on without being affected.

Each day, we have a chance to change our lives. It does not happen in a knock. It happens in single steps of tiny fragments when we think we don’t have any power.

When we think we don’t have any power, we are the most powerful.

Choice is the only thing that distinguishes humans from animals.