Newbie Writer: “How can I become Paulo Coelho asap?”
Veteran Writer: “How can I build a habit of writing consistently?”

Newbie Writer: “Who can get me on that TED talk?”
Veteran Writer: “Who is the one person I am writing for?”

Newbie Writer: “How can I make sure my book sells as much as Atomic Habits?”
Veteran Writer: “How can I make small efforts to polish and market the book, one day at a time?”

Newbie Writer: “How can I be featured on Oprah?”
Veteran Writer: “How can I be featured on 3 well-read blogs, and do it often?”

A newbie writer dreams big, shatters them and never comes back to being a writer.

A veteran writer does it for the joy of writing, and knows that small consistent actions over time compound. That’s mathematics in action!