If you want to see what a human being will achieve in their life, look at the primary emotions that drive them and you can see them five years from now, unless they make any significant change in the way they feel.

Why does it happen then, that most of the humanity lives a similar, mediocre life? Well, because they have not taken the time to wash off the anger they have been carrying since childhood, a bad relationship or past hurt. So even when something good happens to them, the ruling force is the past anger consequent of events that happened in the past and that makes them miserable and unable to propel forward.

If we train our brain to learn the lessons from anger and the consequences of it, there can be no way that our brain can’t escape it. It is going to be rid of it sooner or later, it is only because everyone around us practices and condones us, we have forgotten how much it makes us suffer.

Here are a few:

  • It makes us feel really, really bad.
  • Anger hardly changes the other person, acceptance does.
  • It leads to gradual decrease in life expectancy by 7 years.
  • Head becomes heavier and hotter
  • Time is damn wasted, a lott.

These are a few of the veryyy disastrous effects of anger. How to deal with it then, if the emotion arises?

  • By pouring out all your frustration into your journal
  • Taking a nature walk
  • Working out
  • Helping other people meet their needs

Anger is nothing more than frustration necessary to get out of our system. It has to go, you cannot absorb it and dampen your feelings, you have to let go of it so that it does not collect around and become cancer a decade later.

If you methodically start venting out your anger in the above manner, over a period of time you will realize that the little things that used to make you angry do not hold you anymore. That is the hallmark of a hero.