
I often think about irrelevance.
What will make you irrelevant?

When someone else takes your job?
When you grow but miss your roots?
When you think there is something that, if taken away from you, you will lose your identity?

The truth is, whatever you have, will be taken away from you.
If not now, on your death.

Thus, the fear of irrelevance is technically the insecurity of giving up all you have.

Now that you know that it will go away anyway, how to deal with it?

  1. By being the most positive person you know.
  2. By being the most thoughtful person you know
  3. By making people so powerful that they grow and nurture by themselves.
  4. By not worrying about ego satiety, and caring about how your vibes nurture people.
  5. More than anything else, know that you matter, and you bring things to the table that no one else can.

Rules of professionalism

Some rules of professionalism that you will never be taught, yet are the most important ones:

  1. Respond.
    Yes, as simple as this. Bro, there is no point taking out the frustration of your bf / gf / ex on to your professional relationships. If someone is asking, it is professional to respond. If someone is sending an information, it is professional to give a thumbs up.

    People don’t work with people for product or services. People work for the care. Give them! Because it’s the right thing to do.
  2. Be on time.
    On time means on time. If it is a Zoom call, 4 pm means 4 pm. Not 4:15, stating 15 minutes is okay. No it’s not. So is the case with in-person meetings.

    The formula is again simple. People see how much you care about them. That will make them decide if they can refer you to others, or figure out a way to get out of this engagement asap.
  3. Do what you say you will do. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
    The line is maarofied from my boss, however, emotions are the same.
    You say you will deliver a report by 7? Keep an internal deadline of 5 and email it max by 5:30.
    You say you will come back? Be specific and tell by when will you come back. Not next week. Rather which day in the next week.
    You say you need time to think? Perfect. Can you please communicate by when will you respond?

    Repetition hashtag three: People care for people who care. It simply shows you are involved.

Living an organised professional life does not make you Monica from F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
It just makes you an accountable human being, about whom people would not think twice, before referring.

How does a cohort help?

Currently, I’m a part of two paid cohorts:

  1. June Sweat Challenge (on Instagram by Kanav Vohra)
  2. Power Writing (by Shaan V Puri)

Do you know what is the surprising part?

They share NOTHING new, everything is already there as a free information on the internet.

Do you know what is the more surprising part?

  • I have been getting wonderful results with both
  • The Instagram and Slack communities are wonderful
  • We get to experience the fire of burning and the joy of learning together. That makes it priceless.
  • Not to mention, the time of an expert + the years of wisdom from them makes everything so worth getting into the room
  • When you pay for something, no matter how little or how big, you get yourself into a commitment – and that is the best thing that keeps you moving!

PS: Of these, the Writing course is employer sponsored 🙂

Up-skilling not only takes you out of your comfort zone, it makes sure you create new comfort zones for yourself. And then rinse and repeat.

Signs that you are growing

1. The things that used to upset you do that anymore. Not even in your mind.

2. You learn from the times you lost money and don’t make the same money mistakes again.

3. You don’t lay the same expectations on people, if they have willingly proved they don’t want to stay true to the relationship (even blood relationships).

4. You find a way to laugh even amidst chaos.

5. You have replaced anger for people with empathy and sometimes even sympathy.

Growing up necessarily doesn’t mean in age. You may be in your 70’s and never learnt to control your anger.

Growth is a choice. The one that we make every single day.

In the absence of which, we just die.

Everything but mindset

A friend I know, has been working on YouTube channel of a celebrity. They are a team of four people managing different tasks.

Looking at all of this, an agency approaches them and hires them.

And now the plot twist begins.

The guy who is the main speaker of the videos tries to copy everything of that celebrity.
The way he speaks.
The colours of his clothing.
Video lengths
And of course, the team 🙂

Except just one thing: This celebrity’s mindset. The celebrity’s humility. The celebrity’s wisdom to let people do their own thing instead of dominating them.

So he does all these things the opposite.
Just like all people who want to copy but not emulate.

We all draw our external imageries from people around us. Nothing wrong with it.

However, if we do not work around creating our right vibe and mindset, and just refuse to change, no celebrity would ever be able to help us.

Growth is a personal responsibility. Not something you can pay others and expect to happen with the same old angry and resistant methods.


No one ranked better because they shouted more. Okay, in the short term, they did.

No one became great because they took away credit for someone else’s creativity.

Absolutely no one ever won because they were great at making others feel like losers.

The way to getting better, is to get better.

The way to rising higher, is to make others rise as well.

The way to eternal goodness, is the eternal goodness for all.

About growth




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Four circles or three arrows in your car brand.

Centralised AC.

Chimney that doesn’t make any noise.

Success – we have measured it by metrics that world has taught us to.

Maybe it isn’t success. Maybe success is the way you really want.

There’s nothing wrong with material things, if you really want them.

If that’s not what really makes you happy, then we really need to live and grow by our own version of happiness.

Giving up art

Have you ever felt like giving up on your art because it’s not doing well?

If yes, you were never in love with it in the first place, it was simply a time pass.

Hold on to true love with your art my friend, it will stay with you when all human beings have left.

How to predict your future accurately

If there were a workshop where you were taught how to create your future, versus an astrologer offering you horoscopes, where would you go?

If you are like most people, you’d definitely love to go to the astrologer.

If you are not like most people and are still reading, use the following parameters to predict your future accurately:

A. If all that you do is for uplifting yourself and making your life better, your future looks bright.

B. If along with that, you ALWAYS have a big goal of making other people great and rise higher, there is nothing that can stop you.

O, btw, anyone going to the astrologer?